Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Linky Dinky of the Day

Sometimes, when I find a really cool, interesting, or relevant website or blog, I'll make it a "Linky Dinky of the Day" and post it to share with you. I don't think I'll do it every day or anything but I doubt anyone will care. The bestest ones will make it into my Linky Dinky list on the left side of my blog. Also, if anyone has a cool link to share, let me know and I'll make it a LDOTD, unless I hate it.

Today's LDOTD is World of Delp, where my dear friends the Delps blog about their family and post some way cute pics of their little'uns. If you ever need an "awwww" factor to cheer yourself up, go here and scroll for a while. Also, check out some of the cool links on their page--I especially recommend Urp the Wonder Horse; you'll see why if you click it (it'll make you feeeeeeel good. . .).

Enjoy it!!!

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